基准测试属于性能测试的一种,用于评估和衡量软件的性能指标。我们可以在软件开发的某个阶段通过基准测试建立一个已知的性能水平,称为"基准线"。当系统的软硬件环境发生变化之后再进行一次基准测试以确定那些变化对性能的影响。 这是基准测试最常见的用途。
import random def random_list(start, end, length): """ 生成随机列表 :param start: 随机开始数 :param end: 随机结束数 :param length: 列表长度 """ data_list = [] for i in range(length): data_list.append(random.randint(start, end)) return data_list def bubble_sort(arr): """ 冒泡排序: 对列表进行排序 :param arr 列表 """ n = len(arr) for i in range(n): for j in range(0, n - i - 1): if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]: arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j] return arr if __name__ == '__main__': get_data_list = random_list(1, 99, 10) ret = bubble_sort(get_data_list) print(ret)
python .\demo.py [8, 16, 22, 31, 42, 58, 66, 71, 73, 91]
if __name__ == '__main__': import timeit get_data_list = random_list(1, 99, 10) setup = "from __main__ import bubble_sort" t = timeit.timeit( stmt="bubble_sort({})".format(get_data_list), setup=setup ) print(t)
python .\demo.py 5.4201355
以测试bubble_sort()函数为例。timeit.timeit() 参数说明。
pyperf 的用法与timeit比较类似,但它提供了更丰富结果。(注:我完全是发现了这个库才学习基准测试的)
if __name__ == '__main__': get_data_list = random_list(1, 99, 10) import pyperf setup = "from __main__ import bubble_sort" runner = pyperf.Runner() runner.timeit(name="bubble sort", stmt="bubble_sort({})".format(get_data_list), setup=setup)
python .\demo.py -o bench.json ..................... bubble sort: Mean +- std dev: 5.63 us +- 0.31 us
测试结果会写入bench.json 文件。可以使用pyperf stats命令分析测试结果。
python -m pyperf stats bench.json Total duration: 15.9 sec Start date: 2021-04-02 00:17:18 End date: 2021-04-02 00:17:36 Raw value minimum: 162 ms Raw value maximum: 210 ms Number of calibration run: 1 Number of run with values: 20 Total number of run: 21 Number of warmup per run: 1 Number of value per run: 3 Loop iterations per value: 2^15 Total number of values: 60 Minimum: 4.94 us Median +- MAD: 5.63 us +- 0.12 us Mean +- std dev: 5.63 us +- 0.31 us Maximum: 6.41 us 0th percentile: 4.94 us (-12% of the mean) -- minimum 5th percentile: 5.10 us (-9% of the mean) 25th percentile: 5.52 us (-2% of the mean) -- Q1 50th percentile: 5.63 us (+0% of the mean) -- median 75th percentile: 5.81 us (+3% of the mean) -- Q3 95th percentile: 5.95 us (+6% of the mean) 100th percentile: 6.41 us (+14% of the mean) -- maximum Number of outlier (out of 5.07 us..6.25 us): 6
pytest-benchmark是 pytest单元测试框架的一个插件。 单独编写单元测试用例:
from demo import bubble_sort def test_bubble_sort(benchmark): test_list = [5, 2, 4, 1, 3] result = benchmark(bubble_sort, test_list) assert result == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
pytest -q .\test_demo.py . [100%] ------------------------------------------------ benchmark: 1 tests ----------------------------------------------- Name (time in us) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS (Kops/s) Rounds Iterations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_bubble_sort 1.6000 483.2000 1.7647 2.6667 1.7000 0.0000 174;36496 566.6715 181819 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile. OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean 1 passed in 1.98s
加上 --benchmark-histogram
pytest -q .\test_demo.py --benchmark-histogram . [100%] ------------------------------------------------ benchmark: 1 tests ----------------------------------------------- Name (time in us) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers OPS (Kops/s) Rounds Iterations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_bubble_sort 1.6000 53.9000 1.7333 0.3685 1.7000 0.0000 1640;37296 576.9264 178572 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generated histogram: D:\github\test-circle\article\code\benchmark_20210401_165958.svg