
发布时间:2021-10-14 作者:admin






  • this的作用域链,jQuery的实现方式,通常链式调用都是采用这种方式。
  • 返回对象本身, 同this的区别就是显示返回链式对象。
  • 闭包返回对象的方式实现,这种方式与柯里化有相似之处。
var Person = function() {};
Person.prototype.setAge = function(age){
  this.age = age; 
  return this;
Person.prototype.setWeight = function(weight){
  this.weight = weight; 
  return this;
Person.prototype.get = function(){
  return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;

var person = new Person();
var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
var person = {
  age: null,
  weight: null,
  setAge: function(age){
    this.age = age; 
    return this;
  setWeight: function(weight){
    this.weight = weight; 
    return this;
  get: function(){
    return `{age: ${this.age}, weight: ${this.weight}}`;
var des = person.setAge(10).setWeight(30).get();
console.log(des); // {age: 10, weight: 30}
function numsChain(num){
  var nums = num;
  function chain(num){
    nums = `${nums} -> ${num}`;
    return chain;
  chain.get = () => nums;
  return chain;
var des = numsChain(1)(2)(3).get();
console.log(des); // 1 -> 2 -> 3






const obj = {a: {}};
console.log(obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj.a.b); // undefined
// console.log(obj.a.b.c); // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'c' of undefined
console.log(obj && obj.a); // {}
console.log(obj && obj.a && obj.a.b && obj.a.b.c); // undefined
console.log(obj?.a?.b?.c); // undefined

const test = void 0;
const prop = "a";
console.log(test); // undefined
console.log(test?.a); // undefined
console.log(test?.[prop]); // undefined
console.log(test?.[0]); // undefined
console.log(test?.()); // undefined



function _jQuery(){}
_jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  length: 2,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;

var instance = new _jQuery();
console.log(instance.size()); // 2
// _jQuery.size() // Uncaught TypeError: _jQuery.size is not a function
// _jQuery().size() / /Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined


function _jQuery(){
  return _fn;
var _fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  length: 2,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2


function _jQuery(){
  return _jQuery.fn;
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  length: 2,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
console.log(_jQuery().size()); // 2


function _jQuery(selector){
  return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  init: function(selector){
    return document.querySelector(selector);
  length: 3,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
console.log(_jQuery("body")); // <body>...</body>


function _jQuery(selector){
  return _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  init: function(selector){
    this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);
    this.length = 1;
    return this;
  length: 3,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn); // {0: body, length: 1, constructor: ƒ, init: ƒ, size: ƒ}


function _jQuery(selector){
  return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  init: function(selector){
    this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);
    this.length = 1;
    return this;
  length: 3,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
// console.log(body.size()); // Uncaught TypeError: body.size is not a function


function _jQuery(selector){
  return new _jQuery.fn.init(selector);
_jQuery.fn = _jQuery.prototype = {
  constructor: _jQuery,
  init: function(selector){
    this[0] = document.querySelector(selector);
    this.length = 1;
    return this;
  length: 3,
  size: function(){
    return this.length;
_jQuery.fn.init.prototype = _jQuery.fn;
var body = _jQuery("body");
console.log(body); // init {0: body, length: 1}
console.log(body.size()); // 1
console.log(_jQuery.fn.init.prototype.init.prototype.init.prototype === _jQuery.fn); // true







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