5、对ground truth实际框进行编码,使其格式符合神经网络的预测结果,便于比较。
下载链接 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K4RAJvLj11blywuX2CrLSA
# =========================================================================== # # SSD Network flags. # =========================================================================== # # localization框的衰减比率 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'loss_alpha', 1., 'Alpha parameter in the loss function.') # 正负样本比率 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'negative_ratio', 3., 'Negative ratio in the loss function.') # ground truth处理后,匹配得分高于match_threshold属于正样本 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'match_threshold', 0.5, 'Matching threshold in the loss function.')
# =========================================================================== # # General Flags. # =========================================================================== # # train_dir用于保存训练后的模型和日志 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'train_dir', '/tmp/tfmodel/', 'Directory where checkpoints and event logs are written to.') # num_readers是在对数据集进行读取时所用的平行读取器个数 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_readers', 4, 'The number of parallel readers that read data from the dataset.') # 在进行训练batch的构建时,所用的线程数 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_preprocessing_threads', 4, 'The number of threads used to create the batches.') # 每十步进行一次log输出,在窗口上 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'log_every_n_steps', 10, 'The frequency with which logs are print.') # 每600秒存储一次记录 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'save_summaries_secs', 600, 'The frequency with which summaries are saved, in seconds.') # 每600秒存储一次模型 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'save_interval_secs', 600, 'The frequency with which the model is saved, in seconds.') # 可以使用的gpu内存数量 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'gpu_memory_fraction', 0.7, 'GPU memory fraction to use.')
# =========================================================================== # # Optimization Flags. # =========================================================================== # # 优化器参数 # weight_decay参数 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'weight_decay', 0.00004, 'The weight decay on the model weights.') # 使用什么优化器 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'optimizer', 'rmsprop', 'The name of the optimizer, one of "adadelta", "adagrad", "adam",' '"ftrl", "momentum", "sgd" or "rmsprop".') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'adadelta_rho', 0.95, 'The decay rate for adadelta.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'adagrad_initial_accumulator_value', 0.1, 'Starting value for the AdaGrad accumulators.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'adam_beta1', 0.9, 'The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'adam_beta2', 0.999, 'The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('opt_epsilon', 1.0, 'Epsilon term for the optimizer.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('ftrl_learning_rate_power', -0.5, 'The learning rate power.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'ftrl_initial_accumulator_value', 0.1, 'Starting value for the FTRL accumulators.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'ftrl_l1', 0.0, 'The FTRL l1 regularization strength.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'ftrl_l2', 0.0, 'The FTRL l2 regularization strength.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'momentum', 0.9, 'The momentum for the MomentumOptimizer and RMSPropOptimizer.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('rmsprop_momentum', 0.9, 'Momentum.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('rmsprop_decay', 0.9, 'Decay term for RMSProp.')
# =========================================================================== # # Learning Rate Flags. # =========================================================================== # # 学习率衰减的方式,有固定、指数衰减等 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'learning_rate_decay_type', 'exponential', 'Specifies how the learning rate is decayed. One of "fixed", "exponential",' ' or "polynomial"') # 初始学习率 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.01, 'Initial learning rate.') # 结束时的学习率 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'end_learning_rate', 0.0001, 'The minimal end learning rate used by a polynomial decay learning rate.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'label_smoothing', 0.0, 'The amount of label smoothing.') # 学习率衰减因素 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'learning_rate_decay_factor', 0.94, 'Learning rate decay factor.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'num_epochs_per_decay', 2.0, 'Number of epochs after which learning rate decays.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float( 'moving_average_decay', None, 'The decay to use for the moving average.' 'If left as None, then moving averages are not used.')
# =========================================================================== # # Dataset Flags. # =========================================================================== # # 数据集名称 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'dataset_name', 'imagenet', 'The name of the dataset to load.') # 数据集种类个数 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_classes', 21, 'Number of classes to use in the dataset.') # 训练还是测试 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'dataset_split_name', 'train', 'The name of the train/test split.') # 数据集目录 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'dataset_dir', None, 'The directory where the dataset files are stored.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'labels_offset', 0, 'An offset for the labels in the dataset. This flag is primarily used to ' 'evaluate the VGG and ResNet architectures which do not use a background ' 'class for the ImageNet dataset.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'model_name', 'ssd_300_vgg', 'The name of the architecture to train.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'preprocessing_name', None, 'The name of the preprocessing to use. If left ' 'as `None`, then the model_name flag is used.') # 每一次训练batch的大小 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'batch_size', 32, 'The number of samples in each batch.') # 训练图片的大小 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer( 'train_image_size', None, 'Train image size') # 最大训练次数 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer('max_number_of_steps', 50000, 'The maximum number of training steps.')
# =========================================================================== # # Fine-Tuning Flags. # =========================================================================== # # 该部分参数用于微修已有的模型 # 原模型的位置 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'checkpoint_path', None, 'The path to a checkpoint from which to fine-tune.') tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'checkpoint_model_scope', None, 'Model scope in the checkpoint. None if the same as the trained model.') # 哪些变量不要 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'checkpoint_exclude_scopes', None, 'Comma-separated list of scopes of variables to exclude when restoring ' 'from a checkpoint.') # 那些变量不训练 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string( 'trainable_scopes', None, 'Comma-separated list of scopes to filter the set of variables to train.' 'By default, None would train all the variables.') # 忽略丢失的变量 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_boolean( 'ignore_missing_vars', False, 'When restoring a checkpoint would ignore missing variables.') FLAGS = tf.app.flags.FLAGS
##########################读取数据集部分############################# # 选择数据库 dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset( FLAGS.dataset_name, FLAGS.dataset_split_name, FLAGS.dataset_dir)
dataset_factory里面放的是数据集获取和处理的函数,这里面对应了4个数据集, 利用datasets_map存储了四个数据集的处理代码。
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from datasets import cifar10 from datasets import imagenet from datasets import pascalvoc_2007 from datasets import pascalvoc_2012 datasets_map = { 'cifar10': cifar10, 'imagenet': imagenet, 'pascalvoc_2007': pascalvoc_2007, 'pascalvoc_2012': pascalvoc_2012, } def get_dataset(name, split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern=None, reader=None): """ 给定一个数据集名和一个拆分名返回一个数据集。 参数: name: String, 数据集名称 split_name: 训练还是测试 dataset_dir: 存储数据集文件的目录。 file_pattern: 用于匹配数据集源文件的文件模式。 reader: tf.readerbase的子类。如果保留为“none”,则使用每个数据集定义的默认读取器。 Returns: 数据集 """ if name not in datasets_map: raise ValueError('Name of dataset unknown %s' % name) return datasets_map[name].get_split(split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern, reader)
pascalvoc_2012.get_split(split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern, reader)
在pascalvoc_2012中get_split的执行过程如下,其中file_pattern = ‘voc_2012_%s_*.tfrecord’,这个名称是训练的图片的默认名称,实际训练的tfrecord文件名称像这样voc_2012_train_001.tfrecord,意味着可以读取这样的训练文件:
def get_split(split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern=None, reader=None): """Gets a dataset tuple with instructions for reading ImageNet. Args: split_name: 训练还是测试 dataset_dir: 数据集的位置 file_pattern: 匹配数据集源时要使用的文件模式。 假定模式包含一个'%s'字符串,以便可以插入拆分名称 reader: TensorFlow阅读器类型。 Returns: 数据集. """ if not file_pattern: file_pattern = FILE_PATTERN return pascalvoc_common.get_split(split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern, reader, SPLITS_TO_SIZES, ITEMS_TO_DESCRIPTIONS, NUM_CLASSES)
def get_split(split_name, dataset_dir, file_pattern, reader, split_to_sizes, items_to_descriptions, num_classes): """Gets a dataset tuple with instructions for reading Pascal VOC dataset. 给定一个数据集名和一个拆分名返回一个数据集。 参数: name: String, 数据集名称 split_name: 训练还是测试 dataset_dir: 存储数据集文件的目录。 file_pattern: 用于匹配数据集源文件的文件模式。 reader: tf.readerbase的子类。如果保留为“none”,则使用每个数据集定义的默认读取器。 Returns: 数据集 """ if split_name not in split_to_sizes: raise ValueError('split name %s was not recognized.' % split_name) # file_pattern是取得的tfrecord数据集的位置 file_pattern = os.path.join(dataset_dir, file_pattern % split_name) # 当没有的时候使用默认reader if reader is None: reader = tf.TFRecordReader # VOC数据集中的文档内容 keys_to_features = { 'image/encoded': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value=''), 'image/format': tf.FixedLenFeature((), tf.string, default_value='jpeg'), 'image/height': tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64), 'image/width': tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64), 'image/channels': tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64), 'image/shape': tf.FixedLenFeature([3], tf.int64), 'image/object/bbox/xmin': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32), 'image/object/bbox/ymin': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32), 'image/object/bbox/xmax': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32), 'image/object/bbox/ymax': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.float32), 'image/object/bbox/label': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), 'image/object/bbox/difficult': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), 'image/object/bbox/truncated': tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=tf.int64), } # 解码方式 items_to_handlers = { 'image': slim.tfexample_decoder.Image('image/encoded', 'image/format'), 'shape': slim.tfexample_decoder.Tensor('image/shape'), 'object/bbox': slim.tfexample_decoder.BoundingBox( ['ymin', 'xmin', 'ymax', 'xmax'], 'image/object/bbox/'), 'object/label': slim.tfexample_decoder.Tensor('image/object/bbox/label'), 'object/difficult': slim.tfexample_decoder.Tensor('image/object/bbox/difficult'), 'object/truncated': slim.tfexample_decoder.Tensor('image/object/bbox/truncated'), } # 将tfrecord上keys_to_features的部分解码到items_to_handlers上 decoder = slim.tfexample_decoder.TFExampleDecoder( keys_to_features, items_to_handlers) labels_to_names = None if dataset_utils.has_labels(dataset_dir): labels_to_names = dataset_utils.read_label_file(dataset_dir) return slim.dataset.Dataset( data_sources=file_pattern, # 数据源 reader=reader, # tf.TFRecordReader decoder=decoder, # 解码结果 num_samples=split_to_sizes[split_name], # 17125 items_to_descriptions=items_to_descriptions, # 每一个item的描述 num_classes=num_classes, # 种类 labels_to_names=labels_to_names)
1、利用ssd_class = ssd_vgg_300.SSDNet获得SSDNet的类
3、利用ssd_net = ssd_class(ssd_params)建立网络
###########################建立ssd网络############################## # 获得SSD的网络和它的先验框 ssd_class = ssd_vgg_300.SSDNet # 替换种类的数量num_classes参数 ssd_params = ssd_class.default_params._replace(num_classes=FLAGS.num_classes) # 成功建立了网络net,替换参数 ssd_net = ssd_class(ssd_params) # 获得先验框 ssd_shape = ssd_net.params.img_shape ssd_anchors = ssd_net.anchors(ssd_shape) # 包括六个特征层的先验框
4、获取原始的图片和它对应的label,框ground truth的位置
###########################预处理数据集############################## # preprocessing_name等于ssd_300_vgg preprocessing_name = FLAGS.preprocessing_name or FLAGS.model_name # 根据名字进行处理获得处理函数 image_preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_factory.get_preprocessing( preprocessing_name, is_training=True) # 打印参数 tf_utils.print_configuration(FLAGS.__flags, ssd_params, dataset.data_sources, FLAGS.train_dir) # DatasetDataProviders从数据集中提供数据. 通过配置, # 可以同时使用多个readers或者使用单个reader提供数据。此外,被读取的数据 # 可以被打乱顺序 # 预加载 with tf.name_scope(FLAGS.dataset_name + '_data_provider'): provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, num_readers=FLAGS.num_readers, common_queue_capacity=20 * FLAGS.batch_size, common_queue_min=10 * FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle=True) # 获取原始的图片和它对应的label,框ground truth的位置 [image, _, glabels, gbboxes] = provider.get(['image', 'shape', 'object/label', 'object/bbox']) # 预处理图片标签和框的位置 image, glabels, gbboxes = \ image_preprocessing_fn(image, glabels, gbboxes, out_shape=ssd_shape, data_format=DATA_FORMAT)
# 根据名字进行处理获得处理函数 image_preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_factory.get_preprocessing( preprocessing_name, is_training=True)
def get_preprocessing(name, is_training=False): preprocessing_fn_map = { 'ssd_300_vgg': ssd_vgg_preprocessing } if name not in preprocessing_fn_map: raise ValueError('Preprocessing name [%s] was not recognized' % name) def preprocessing_fn(image, labels, bboxes, out_shape, data_format='NHWC', **kwargs): # 这里实际上调用ssd_vgg_preprocessing.preprocess_image return preprocessing_fn_map[name].preprocess_image( image, labels, bboxes, out_shape, data_format=data_format, is_training=is_training, **kwargs) return preprocessing_fn
def preprocess_image(image, labels, bboxes, out_shape, data_format, is_training=False, **kwargs): """Pre-process an given image. Args: image: A `Tensor` representing an image of arbitrary size. output_height: 预处理后图像的高度。 output_width: 预处理后图像的宽度。 is_training: 如果我们正在对图像进行预处理以进行训练,则为true;否则为false resize_side_min: 图像最小边的下界,用于保持方向的大小调整, 如果“is_training”为“false”,则此值 用于重新缩放 resize_side_max: 图像最小边的上界,用于保持方向的大小调整 如果“is_training”为“false”,则此值 用于重新缩放 the resize side is sampled from [resize_size_min, resize_size_max]. Returns: 预处理后的图片 """ if is_training: return preprocess_for_train(image, labels, bboxes, out_shape=out_shape, data_format=data_format) else: return preprocess_for_eval(image, labels, bboxes, out_shape=out_shape, data_format=data_format, **kwargs)
def preprocess_for_train(image, labels, bboxes, out_shape, data_format='NHWC', scope='ssd_preprocessing_train'): """Preprocesses the given image for training. Note that the actual resizing scale is sampled from [`resize_size_min`, `resize_size_max`]. 参数: image: 图片,任意size的图片. output_height: 处理后的图片高度. output_width: 处理后的图片宽度. resize_side_min: 图像最小边的下界,用于保方面调整大小 resize_side_max: 图像最小边的上界,用于保方面调整大小 Returns: 处理过的图片 """ fast_mode = False with tf.name_scope(scope, 'ssd_preprocessing_train', [image, labels, bboxes]): if image.get_shape().ndims != 3: raise ValueError('Input must be of size [height, width, C>0]') # 改变图片的数据类型 if image.dtype != tf.float32: image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32) # 样本框扭曲 dst_image = image dst_image, labels, bboxes, _ = \ distorted_bounding_box_crop(image, labels, bboxes, min_object_covered=MIN_OBJECT_COVERED, aspect_ratio_range=CROP_RATIO_RANGE) # 将图像大小调整为输出大小。 dst_image = tf_image.resize_image(dst_image, out_shape, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, align_corners=False) # 随机水平翻转图像. dst_image, bboxes = tf_image.random_flip_left_right(dst_image, bboxes) # 随机扭曲颜色。有四种方法. dst_image = apply_with_random_selector( dst_image, lambda x, ordering: distort_color(x, ordering, fast_mode), num_cases=4) # 图像减去平均值 image = dst_image * 255. image = tf_image_whitened(image, [_R_MEAN, _G_MEAN, _B_MEAN]) # 图像的类型 if data_format == 'NCHW': image = tf.transpose(image, perm=(2, 0, 1)) return image, labels, bboxes
gclasses, glocalisations, gscores = ssd_net.bboxes_encode(glabels, gbboxes, ssd_anchors)
def bboxes_encode(self, labels, bboxes, anchors, scope=None): """ 进行编码操作 """ return ssd_common.tf_ssd_bboxes_encode( labels, bboxes, anchors, self.params.num_classes, self.params.no_annotation_label, ignore_threshold=0.5, prior_scaling=self.params.prior_scaling, scope=scope)
def tf_ssd_bboxes_encode(labels, bboxes, anchors, num_classes, no_annotation_label, ignore_threshold=0.5, prior_scaling=[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2], dtype=tf.float32, scope='ssd_bboxes_encode'): """ 对每一个特征层进行解码 """ with tf.name_scope(scope): target_labels = [] target_localizations = [] target_scores = [] for i, anchors_layer in enumerate(anchors): with tf.name_scope('bboxes_encode_block_%i' % i): t_labels, t_loc, t_scores = \ tf_ssd_bboxes_encode_layer(labels, bboxes, anchors_layer, num_classes, no_annotation_label, ignore_threshold, prior_scaling, dtype) target_labels.append(t_labels) target_localizations.append(t_loc) target_scores.append(t_scores) return target_labels, target_localizations, target_scores
yref, xref, href, wref = anchors_layer ymin = yref - href / 2. xmin = xref - wref / 2. ymax = yref + href / 2. xmax = xref + wref / 2. vol_anchors = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) # 1、创建一系列变量存储编码结果 # 每个特征层的shape shape = (yref.shape[0], yref.shape[1], href.size) # 每个特征层特定点,特定框的label feat_labels = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.int64) # (m, m, k) # 每个特征层特定点,特定框的得分 feat_scores = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) # 每个特征层特定点,特定框的位置 feat_ymin = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) feat_xmin = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) feat_ymax = tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) feat_xmax = tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype)
# 用于计算IOU def jaccard_with_anchors(bbox): int_ymin = tf.maximum(ymin, bbox[0]) # (m, m, k) int_xmin = tf.maximum(xmin, bbox[1]) int_ymax = tf.minimum(ymax, bbox[2]) int_xmax = tf.minimum(xmax, bbox[3]) h = tf.maximum(int_ymax - int_ymin, 0.) w = tf.maximum(int_xmax - int_xmin, 0.) # Volumes. # 处理搜索框和bbox之间的联系 inter_vol = h * w # 交集面积 union_vol = vol_anchors - inter_vol \ + (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) # 并集面积 jaccard = tf.div(inter_vol, union_vol) # 交集/并集,即IOU return jaccard # (m, m, k) def condition(i,feat_labels, feat_scores, feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax): r = tf.less(i, tf.shape(labels)) return r[0] # 该部分用于寻找实际中的框对应特征层的哪个框 def body(i, feat_labels, feat_scores, feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax): """ 更新功能标签、分数和bbox。 -JacCard>0.5时赋值; """ # 取出第i个标签和第i个bboxes label = labels[i] # 当前图片上第i个对象的标签 bbox = bboxes[i] # 当前图片上第i个对象的真实框bbox # 计算该box和所有anchor_box的IOU jaccard = jaccard_with_anchors(bbox) # 当前对象的bbox和当前层的搜索网格IOU # 所有高于历史的分的box被筛选 mask = tf.greater(jaccard, feat_scores) # 掩码矩阵,IOU大于历史得分的为True mask = tf.logical_and(mask, feat_scores > -0.5) imask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int64) #[1,0,1,1,0] fmask = tf.cast(mask, dtype) #[1.,0.,1.,0. ... ] # Update values using mask. # 保证feat_labels存储对应位置得分最大对象标签,feat_scores存储那个得分 # (m, m, k) × 当前类别 + (1 - (m, m, k)) × (m, m, k) # 更新label记录,此时的imask已经保证了True位置当前对像得分高于之前的对象得分,其他位置值不变 # 将所有被认为是label的框的值赋予feat_labels feat_labels = imask * label + (1 - imask) * feat_labels # 用于寻找最匹配的框 feat_scores = tf.where(mask, jaccard, feat_scores) # 下面四个矩阵存储对应label的真实框坐标 # (m, m, k) × 当前框坐标scalar + (1 - (m, m, k)) × (m, m, k) feat_ymin = fmask * bbox[0] + (1 - fmask) * feat_ymin feat_xmin = fmask * bbox[1] + (1 - fmask) * feat_xmin feat_ymax = fmask * bbox[2] + (1 - fmask) * feat_ymax feat_xmax = fmask * bbox[3] + (1 - fmask) * feat_xmax return [i + 1, feat_labels, feat_scores, feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax] i = 0 # 2、对所有的实际框都寻找其在特征层中对应的点与其对应的框,并将其标签找到。 (i,feat_labels, feat_scores,feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax) = tf.while_loop(condition, body, [i, feat_labels, feat_scores, feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax])
# Transform to center / size. # 3、转化成ssd中网络的输出格式。 feat_cy = (feat_ymax + feat_ymin) / 2. feat_cx = (feat_xmax + feat_xmin) / 2. feat_h = feat_ymax - feat_ymin feat_w = feat_xmax - feat_xmin # Encode features. # 利用公式进行计算 # 以搜索网格中心点为参考,真实框中心的偏移,单位长度为网格hw feat_cy = (feat_cy - yref) / href / prior_scaling[0] feat_cx = (feat_cx - xref) / wref / prior_scaling[1] # log((m, m, k) / (m, m, 1)) * 5 # 真实框宽高/搜索网格宽高,取对 feat_h = tf.log(feat_h / href) / prior_scaling[2] feat_w = tf.log(feat_w / wref) / prior_scaling[3] # Use SSD ordering: x / y / w / h instead of ours.(m, m, k, 4) feat_localizations = tf.stack([feat_cx, feat_cy, feat_w, feat_h], axis=-1) return feat_labels, feat_localizations, feat_scores
# 设置SSD网络的参数 arg_scope = ssd_net.arg_scope(weight_decay=FLAGS.weight_decay, data_format=DATA_FORMAT) # 将图片经过网络获得它们的框的位置和prediction with slim.arg_scope(arg_scope): _, localisations, logits, _ = \ ssd_net.net(b_image, is_training=True)
# 计算loss值 n_positives_loss,n_negative_loss,localization_loss = ssd_net.losses(logits, localisations, b_gclasses, b_glocalisations, b_gscores, match_threshold=FLAGS.match_threshold, negative_ratio=FLAGS.negative_ratio, alpha=FLAGS.loss_alpha, label_smoothing=FLAGS.label_smoothing) # 会得到三个loss值,分别对应正样本,负样本,定位 loss_all = n_positives_loss + n_negative_loss + localization_loss
def ssd_losses(logits, localisations, gclasses, glocalisations, gscores, match_threshold=0.5, negative_ratio=3., alpha=1., label_smoothing=0., device='/cpu:0', scope=None): with tf.name_scope(scope, 'ssd_losses'): lshape = tfe.get_shape(logits[0], 5) num_classes = lshape[-1] batch_size = lshape[0] # 铺平所有vector flogits = [] fgclasses = [] fgscores = [] flocalisations = [] fglocalisations = [] for i in range(len(logits)): # 按照图片循环 flogits.append(tf.reshape(logits[i], [-1, num_classes])) fgclasses.append(tf.reshape(gclasses[i], [-1])) fgscores.append(tf.reshape(gscores[i], [-1])) flocalisations.append(tf.reshape(localisations[i], [-1, 4])) fglocalisations.append(tf.reshape(glocalisations[i], [-1, 4])) # 上一步所得的还存在batch个行里面,对应batch个图片 # 这一步将batch个图片平铺到同一表上 logits = tf.concat(flogits, axis=0) gclasses = tf.concat(fgclasses, axis=0) gscores = tf.concat(fgscores, axis=0) localisations = tf.concat(flocalisations, axis=0) glocalisations = tf.concat(fglocalisations, axis=0) dtype = logits.dtype # gscores中满足正样本得分的mask pmask = gscores > match_threshold fpmask = tf.cast(pmask, dtype) no_classes = tf.cast(pmask, tf.int32) nmask = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_not(pmask),# IOU达不到阈值的类别搜索框位置记1 gscores > -0.5) fnmask = tf.cast(nmask, dtype) n_positives = tf.reduce_sum(fpmask) # 将预测结果转化成比率 predictions = slim.softmax(logits) nvalues = tf.where(nmask, predictions[:, 0], # 框内无物体标记为背景预测概率 1. - fnmask) # 框内有物体位置标记为1 nvalues_flat = tf.reshape(nvalues, [-1]) # max_neg_entries为实际上负样本的个数 max_neg_entries = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(fnmask), tf.int32) # n_neg为正样本的个数*3 + batch_size , 之所以+batchsize是因为每个图最少有一个负样本背景 n_neg = tf.cast(negative_ratio * n_positives, tf.int32) + batch_size n_neg = tf.minimum(n_neg, max_neg_entries) # 找到n_neg个最不可能为背景的点 val, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(-nvalues_flat, k=n_neg) max_hard_pred = -val[-1] # 在nmask找到n_neg个最不可能为背景的点(实际上它是背景,这样二者的差就很大) nmask = tf.logical_and(nmask, nvalues < max_hard_pred) fnmask = tf.cast(nmask, dtype) n_negative = tf.reduce_sum(fnmask) # 交叉熵 with tf.name_scope('cross_entropy_pos'): loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=gclasses) n_positives_loss = tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(loss * fpmask), n_positives + 0.1, name='value') with tf.name_scope('cross_entropy_neg'): loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=no_classes) n_negative_loss = tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(loss * fnmask), n_negative + 0.1, name='value') # Add localization loss: smooth L1, L2, ... with tf.name_scope('localization'): # Weights Tensor: positive mask + random negative. weights = tf.expand_dims(alpha * fpmask, axis=-1) loss = custom_layers.abs_smooth(localisations - glocalisations) localization_loss = tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(loss * weights), n_positives + 0.1, name='value') return n_positives_loss,n_negative_loss,localization_loss
################################优化器设置############################## learning_rate = tf_utils.configure_learning_rate(FLAGS, dataset.num_samples, global_step) optimizer = tf_utils.configure_optimizer(FLAGS, learning_rate) train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(loss_all, optimizer, summarize_gradients=True) #################################训练并保存模型########################### gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=FLAGS.gpu_memory_fraction) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False, gpu_options=gpu_options) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=1.0, write_version=2, pad_step_number=False) slim.learning.train( train_op, # 优化器 logdir=FLAGS.train_dir, # 保存模型的地址 master='', is_chief=True, init_fn=tf_utils.get_init_fn(FLAGS), # 微调已存在模型时,初始化参数 number_of_steps=FLAGS.max_number_of_steps, # 最大步数 log_every_n_steps=FLAGS.log_every_n_steps, # 多少时间进行一次命令行输出 save_summaries_secs=FLAGS.save_summaries_secs, # 进行一次summary saver=saver, save_interval_secs=FLAGS.save_interval_secs, # 多长时间保存一次模型 session_config=config, sync_optimizer=None)
cd D:/Collection/SSD-Retry
bash train.sh
DATASET_DIR=./tfrecords TRAIN_DIR=./logs/ CHECKPOINT_PATH=./checkpoints/ssd_300_vgg.ckpt python train_demo.py \ --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \ --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \ --dataset_name=pascalvoc_2012 \ --dataset_split_name=train \ --model_name=ssd_300_vgg \ --checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_PATH} \ --save_summaries_secs=60 \ --save_interval_secs=600 \ --weight_decay=0.0005 \ --optimizer=adam \ --learning_rate=0.001 \ --batch_size=8