Honeypot又名蜜罐,其实本质上是种陷阱。我们在表单中故意通过CSS隐藏一些字段, 这些字段一般人是不可见的。然而机器人或程序会以为这些字段也是必需的字段(required), 所以会补全后提交表单,这就中了我们的陷阱。在视图中我们可以通过装饰器对用户提交的表单数据进行判断,来验证表单的合法性。比如honeypot字段本来应该为空的,现在居然有内容了,显然这是机器人或程序提交的数据,我们可以拒绝其请求。
1. 编写模板标签(templatetags),在包含模板的表单中生成honeypot字段。
2. 编写装饰器(decorators.py), 对POST请求发送来的表单数据进行验证。
我们在common目录下新建templatetags目录(包含一个空的__init__.py),然后在新建common_tags_filters.py, 添加如下代码。
from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter register = template.Library() # used to render honeypot field @register.inclusion_tag('common/snippets/honeypot_field.html') def render_honeypot_field(field_name=None): """ Renders honeypot field named field_name (defaults to HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME). """ if not field_name: field_name = getattr(settings, 'HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME', 'name1') value = getattr(settings, 'HONEYPOT_VALUE', '') if callable(value): value = value() return {'fieldname': field_name, 'value': value}
我们现在来看下上面这段代码如何工作的。我们创建了一个名为render_honeypot_field的模板标签,用于在模板中生成honeypot字段。honeypot字段名是settings.py里HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME,如果没有此项设置,默认值为name1。honeypot字段的默认值是HONEYPOT_VALUE, 如果没有此项设置,默认值为空字符串''。然后这个函数将fieldname和value传递给如下模板片段。
# common/snippets/honeypot_field.html
<div class="form-control" style="display: none;"> <label><input type="text" name="{{ fieldname }}" value="{{ value }}" /> </label> </div>
{% load common_tags_filters %} {% load static %} <form method="post" action=""> {% csrf_token %} {% render_honeypot_field %} {% form.as_p %} </form>
在common文件下新建decorators.py, 添加如下代码。我们编写了check_honeypot和honeypot_exempt两个装饰器,前者给需要对honeypot字段进行验证的视图函数使用,后者给不需要对honeypot字段进行验证的视图函数使用。
from functools import wraps from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseRedirect from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test def honeypot_equals(val): """ Default verifier used if HONEYPOT_VERIFIER is not specified. Ensures val == HONEYPOT_VALUE or HONEYPOT_VALUE() if it's a callable. """ expected = getattr(settings, 'HONEYPOT_VALUE', '') if callable(expected): expected = expected() return val == expected def verify_honeypot_value(request, field_name): """ Verify that request.POST[field_name] is a valid honeypot. Ensures that the field exists and passes verification according to HONEYPOT_VERIFIER. """ verifier = getattr(settings, 'HONEYPOT_VERIFIER', honeypot_equals) if request.method == 'POST': field = field_name or settings.HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME if field not in request.POST or not verifier(request.POST[field]): response = render_to_string('common/snippets/honeypot_error.html', {'fieldname': field}) return HttpResponseBadRequest(response) def check_honeypot(func=None, field_name=None): """ Check request.POST for valid honeypot field. Takes an optional field_name that defaults to HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME if not specified. """ # hack to reverse arguments if called with str param if isinstance(func, str): func, field_name = field_name, func def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def inner(request, *args, **kwargs): response = verify_honeypot_value(request, field_name) if response: return response else: return func(request, *args, **kwargs) return inner if func is None: def decorator(func): return wrapper(func) return decorator return wrapper(func) def honeypot_exempt(func): """ Mark view as exempt from honeypot validation """ # borrowing liberally from django's csrf_exempt @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.honeypot_exempt = True return wrapper
# common/snippets/honeypot_error.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <body> <h1>400 Bad POST Request</h1> <p>We have detected a suspicious request. Your request is aborted.</p> </body> </html>
from common.decorators import check_honeypot @check_honeypot def signup(request): if request.method == "POST": form = SignUpForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): user = form.save() login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users:profile')) else: form = SignUpForm() return render(request, "users/signup.html", {"form": form, })